What is technical SEO and why is it essential for your business?

If you’re looking to improve your website’s search engine rankings, you may have heard of technical SEO. But what exactly is technical SEO and why is it so important to your business strategy? In this blog post, we are going to explain everything you need to know about technical SEO.

What is technical SEO and why is it essential for your business?

While technical SEO may sound daunting to those unfamiliar with it, it is critical to any online business strategy. Let’s dive into it!

What is technical SEO?

Technical SEO is an essential part of digital marketing. It is a set of techniques that focus on improving the structure, performance and accessibility of a website in order to optimize its visibility in search engines and, therefore, attract quality organic traffic.

In simple terms, technical SEO focuses on making your website easy for search engines to understand and crawl. This involves a series of actions to ensure that your website’s structure and content is accessible and relevant to your users and search engines.

Technical SEO includes a variety of techniques and practices, such as:

  • Website Loading Speed: Search engines prioritize websites that load fast, so it’s important to make sure your website loads fast on all platforms and devices.
  • Website structure: A clear and well-organized website structure makes it easy for search engines to navigate and understand the content of the website. This includes having a clear page hierarchy and intuitive navigation.
  • Optimized URL: URLs should be clear and descriptive so that search engines can understand what each page is about.
  • HTML Tags: HTML tags, such as the title and description, are important because they help search engines understand the content of a page.
  • XML Sitemap: An XML sitemap is a list of all the pages of a website that helps search engines crawl and index the site more effectively.
  • Robots.txt: The robots.txt file allows you to suggest blocking certain URLs or paths from indexing.
  • Structured data: This type of markup allows the standardized ordering of certain page content factors and is particularly useful for identifying entities, products…
  • Website Security: Websites that are secure (with HTTPS) have an advantage in search results, as search engines favor online security

Web architecture and technical SEO

When it comes to creating a technical SEO strategy, web architecture is one of the most important factors. Web architecture refers to the structure and organization of the pages and information on a website. If web architecture is done correctly, it can significantly improve the technical SEO of your website. Here we explain how to create a web architecture compatible with technical SEO and its advantages:

Planning the structure of the website

Before starting to build a website, it is important to plan its structure. The website structure must be logical and coherent, and the information must be easily accessible to users and search engines. To do this, start by identifying the main categories of content to be included on the website. Then, group related content into subcategories, making sure each page has a clear hierarchy. It is important to keep in mind the CMS restrictions as not all of them have the same functionalities.

Using a friendly URL structure

A friendly URL structure is a URL structure that is easy for both users and search engines to read and understand. It is important to use relevant keywords in the URL and separate the different parts of the URL with hyphens. Also, URLs should be short and descriptive. The use of a friendly URL structure can improve the user experience and make it easier for the pages to be indexed by search engines.

Create a sitemap

A sitemap is a tool that shows the structure of the website and the pages it contains. Sitemaps are useful to both users and search engines, as they can help find specific pages. Also, sitemaps can improve the indexing of pages by search engines, which in turn can improve the technical SEO of the website.

Use of internal links

Using internal links is an effective way to improve website architecture and technical SEO. Internal links are links that direct users to other pages within the same website. By using internal links, you can create a consistent internal link structure that helps users navigate your website and search engines understand the relationship between different pages. Also, internal links can help distribute PageRank throughout the website.

Loading speed optimization

Page load speed is an important factor in technical SEO. A slow page can negatively affect your website’s search engine ranking. To improve loading speed, be sure to optimize images, reduce file sizes, and minimize the amount of third-party resources that load on the page. A faster page not only improves technical SEO, but also improves the user experience and can increase the time spent on the website.

Remember that a faster page not only improves technical SEO, but also improves the user experience and can increase the time spent on the website. A study of Walmart’s on-page web performance mentions that for every second of improvement they made to their website, conversions increased by 2%.

Why is technical SEO important?

Technical SEO is fundamental to your business strategy for several reasons:

  1. Improve the user experience: A well-organized and fast-loading website structure not only benefits search engines, but also improves the user experience on the website. Users are more likely to stay on a website that loads quickly and is easy to navigate.
  2. Increases online visibility: Search engines give priority to websites that are easy to crawl and index. With strong technical SEO, your website will have higher visibility online, which means more people will be able to find your business online.
  3. Improves the performance of the website: A technically optimized website can be faster and easier to use, which improves its performance. This means that users can interact with the website more effectively and search engines can more easily crawl and index the site.
  4. Increases conversion: A fast and easy-to-use website is more likely to convert visitors into potential customers. If your website is well structured and easy to navigate, users are more likely to find what they are looking for.

Now that you know the importance of thechnical SEO, it is time to take it into action. If you need guidance, our SEO team will get down to work in order to improve your business strategy. Let’s talk!

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