TikTok: what is it and why should you include it in your social media strategy?

During these weeks messing around with your mobile and the searching the internet of the I am sure that you have discovered applications for everything. But the Top 1, the one that has triumphed in recent months, has been TikTok. You have seen it on the phones of celebrities and of your children. But what […]

TikTok: what is it and why should you include it in your social media strategy?

During these weeks messing around with your mobile and the searching the internet of the I am sure that you have discovered applications for everything. But the Top 1, the one that has triumphed in recent months, has been TikTok. You have seen it on the phones of celebrities and of your children. But what is TikTok? And what is more important, can I use it to improve the positioning of my brand?

This Chinese app has conquered young people wanting to produce audio-visual micro clips. It is still far from the figures of Instagram, but the key to its success, and for what we must take it into account in our strategy, is that it has penetrated the young audience with a fresh, fast, bold and ultra-fast consumption style.

Behind the application we have a powerful work of computer engineering powered by artificial intelligence that tries to generate positive experiences for users. From the moment you open the app it starts working with assumptions.

The content is wild! The audio-visual pieces that you can produce with this application last 15 seconds. There are longer options, but the videos that succeed are the ‘classic’ of 15 seconds. Given that a traditional television spot does not reach 20 seconds, the format is perfect for brands to use it in their advertising strategy to impact in young people without stopping.

Like almost all these apps, it supports searches, so the use of hashtags is key to lead the audience;
You can create images, gifs or videos to connect with your audience;
It allows you to create your own brand filters. If it is good, it will succeed;
Sending messages to other users, like on Instagram, is very simple.

How does TikTok work?

This application is as simple as Insta, Snapchat or Facebook. But the attraction and key to the success of TikTok is the editing possibilities it offers. Imaginative youngsters are free to compete with their friends to create their most awesome TikTok.

TikTok offers the possibility to edit your audio-visual production, apply a lot of effects, many of them really eye-catching and continually updated, and even add your favourite songs in the background. All this is possible with zero knowledge about video editing. Oh, and something important, of course you can configure the privacy of the account, decide who sees each publication and quote your contacts in the publications you want. For those of you who knew Vine it may be very familiar to you. The most popular content among young people’s own productions are music videos with the participation of the users themselves singing or dancing.

What can you contribute to my brand?

A few brief facts that will make you reflect and ask Redegal for a digital marketing strategy that includes TikTok:

More than 40% of tiktokers are between 16 and 24 years old.
They consume an average of 52 minutes a day in the app.
Spain has 2.7 million daily users with an average of 31 minutes a day. (si quieres utilizar es texto para el Mercado UK, seria bien poner también datos de UK, no solo España, gracias).

What can my brand do on TikTok?

In TikTok the content of any of its users has the possibility of going viral. So your brand can also be successful.

Give your brand creativity a spin by investing in advertising in different formats – Brand Lenses, sponsored hashtags challenges … –
If your audience is on TikTok you will improve your positioning.
Build loyalty among young audiences.

Thanks to the possibilities of investing with low budgets, the application is not only useful for large brands. It is a social network within the reach of any company that can capture a good audience with just a little creativity and emotion. Do you want us to help you?

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