Keys to internationalise an ecommerce

One of the advantages of electronic commerce over conventional commerce is the ability to sell overseas from own online platform. The access to the web site from practically all the world and the growing business opportunity that exportation currently has, conducive to any proposed sale online will lead sooner or later to its geographical expansion. […]

Keys to internationalise an ecommerce

One of the advantages of electronic commerce over conventional commerce is the ability to sell overseas from own online platform. The access to the web site from practically all the world and the growing business opportunity that exportation currently has, conducive to any proposed sale online will lead sooner or later to its geographical expansion. However, such expansion must be carefully maintained on the off and on enviroment, covering all detail to find the profitability. So what are the keys to internationalize an ecommerce?


The adequacy of the language, coin and payment systems for each country is essential. Each country and its market is different and not only has to be offered in the online store a design and structure tailored to the characteristics and trends of each position, taste and especially the conduct navigation of users. Remmember that offer the best user experience should be a maximum at all times to ensure interaction and conversions. Also mode purchase must be adapted, payment security, information and conditions … it is very important do a small market survey of each site before proposing internationalize an ecommerce , to understand the best way to do assuming the least possible risk.

In this line, the business strategy has also to be different depending on the country. If we talk for example of a textile shop online, it has to adapt the launch of campaigns based on the seasonality of each geographic location, with their marketing and communication tactics.

In an overview, logistics is the cornerstone in the keys to internationalize an ecommerce. Carrying a total and comprehensive control of stock in the store, their movements and availability as well as the actual information database users, suppliers, transportation, etc.., It is imperative to offer the best and most reliable ecommerce service. This control continues to be an added value to offer customers a way to strengthen their confidence in the business and to establish the relationship between brand and consumer that makes possible a regular cart, loyalty.

This control is only possible through correct integration between the business management of the brand with its online store. That consists to maintain in a real time and constant communication all the management store, orders, transactions… so that all information can be read, analyzed and managed from a single system, thus ensuring the right direction business and the correct functioning of ecommerce.


Our experience in electronic commerce and its internationalization tells us that to really sell in international territory need to reach a little further. Obviously the internationalization process has to be gradual, with the growth of the brand on the Internet and their business online commerce. So we understand that the correct and complete internationalization is accomplished by establishing stores in those countries that wish to sell.

The reason is simple. What does a user really value to buy online? The speed of service, comfort wihtout having to travel to any local and reception of that acquired in their own homes. A strategic distribution of warehouses enables shipments respect the deadlines policy established for nationalsale, regardless of the distance that exists between the location of the consumer and the geographical position of the brand. Not only that, but this distribution enables the product always arrives in the best conditions, a very important factor when we talk about the food industry, for example, or cases of fragile products that requires special care during transport.

All of this is key to internationalize an ecommerce: it benefits the online store and facilitates sales conversions increased, the last goal of any business.

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