Anabelle Gutiérrez, new CEO of Redegal in Mexico

Loaded with motivation and energy. That’s how Anabelle Gutiérrez, our new CEO in Mexico, arrives to join our team and take over the position. She is a Marketing graduate from Anáhuac University and holds a solid experience within the Marketing and Advertising industries, with more than 9 years working for multinational agencies and top-level companies […]

Anabelle Gutiérrez, new CEO of Redegal in Mexico

Loaded with motivation and energy. That’s how Anabelle Gutiérrez, our new CEO in Mexico, arrives to join our team and take over the position. She is a Marketing graduate from Anáhuac University and holds a solid experience within the Marketing and Advertising industries, with more than 9 years working for multinational agencies and top-level companies at her back.

Her arrival comes in a year that has seen, without a doubt, the consolidation of our growth in Mexico and right after being awarded with the prize to the Best Online Agency in Traffic Generation at the eShow ceremony.

Anabelle’s experience in marketing, advertising, commercial strategy and digital project management in international environments makes her a safe bet.

Anabelle Gutiérrez es la nueva CEO de Redegal en México

Anabelle Gutiérrez is the new CEO of Redegal Mexico

What draw your attention to Redegal?

Redegal attracted me as a Spanish agency with success stories working for international renowned brands, and because of their focus on eCommerce development, which is a market with an exponential growth in Mexico.

What would you say identifies the best with the agency work philosophy?

I would highlight the team work and the passion we all show in our work to add value to our own team and our clients.

Which plans and goals are you expecting to accomplish in your new position?

First of all, to contribute to Redegal Mexico positioning as the best eCommerce development agency and its recognition as such in the industry; to make the best talent in Mexico want to work for us and that the name “Redegal” comes to our clients’ minds as being synonymous with “sales”.

What challenge do you think will be the biggest to face within the Mexican market?

Our most demanding challenge is internal: to get profitable projects in time, form and substance, making for happy customers.

What would you say are the major errors in Mexican online agencies nowadays?

I’d say the lack of business vision, planning and technical expertise.

From your point of view, what is it that makes a marketing strategy exceptional?

The understanding of the business as if we were part of the client, with all the factors involved in it, and the knowledge of the best online practices orientated to trends and to the new lifestyle of the Internet user.

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